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The Unexpected Turn in the Road

From the Business World to a Passion for Painting
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Friday, November 4th, 2022

The Unexpected Turn in the Road

By Christopher Volpe

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Marc Anderson, Andy Dufresne Rd., 12" x 16"

There are many, many routes to becoming an accomplished or even a professional artist, and in the world of realist painting, most of those roads do not begin in an art school.

Take Lynn Dunbar Bayus and Marc Anderson, both of whom started their professional lives not as artists but as professionals in business and illustration, respectively. In both cases, the "call" that put them on the road to accomplishment as an artist began not out of the gate but later, unexpectedly, and not in the Hallowed Halls of Academe.

The brief interviews with both that follow were originally published in "Artist Spotlight," a regular feature of Plein Air Magazine's Outdoor Painter website.

Artist Painting en Plein Air

Lynn Dunbar Bayus

How did you get started and then develop your career?
Lynn Dunbar Bayus: I was in advertising for 10 years and thought I'd go back to school and help people by being an art therapist. I enrolled to get my masters and took my first painting class and was enthralled. I ended up with a Masters in Social Work, and a love of painting.

What is the most interesting thing you have painted/sculpted and why?
Lynn Dunbar Bayus: My most interesting project was a label for Woodford Reserve Bourbon. I worked on project with Brown Forman, visiting, painting and photographing the distillery. I was challenged to turn a summer scene into a winter scene. Mission accomplished!

To see more of Lynn's work, visit:

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Lynn Dunbar Bayus,"Big Rock Bridge", oil on Canvas, 12 x 12 in, 2022 painted in Louisville, Kentucky

Lynn Dunbar Bayus with her 3rd place painting at gallery event

Marc Anderson

Marc Anderson in his studio located in Wauwatosa, WI.

How did you get started and then develop your career?
Marc Anderson: I got my "professional" start as a freelance cartoonist and illustrator. I'd been working for a number of various clients for a few years until I happened to be in Green Bay, WI while Door County Plein Air was going on. I'd been playing with a little on-the-spot painting, but I had no idea about the vast plein air community, nor did I know there was such a fancy term as "plein air."

I started participating in plein air events around the Midwest and eventually around the country. After creating a large enough body of work, I started selling work at art fairs and later, at galleries. Soon enough, I was doing it all fulltime.

What is the best thing about being an artist?
Marc Anderson: Ask me a different day, and you'll get a different answer. There are just too many things to list. Right now, I love the fact that literally whatever I'm curious about in painting, I can just go explore that. Not only is that creatively satisfying, but I find the more curious I am, the better the work becomes.

To see more of Marc's work, visit:

Marc Anderson, "Giants of Little America," Oil on Panel, 24 x 48 in, 2022. Available through Lilypad Gallery, Milwaukee, WI

Marc Anderson, "That Fleeting Feeling," Oil on Panel, 20 x 30 in, 2022, Available through LePrince Fine Art, Charleston, SC

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Getting Real about Learning to Paint

Clyde Aspevig, On the Way to Heaven, 1995 (about 36 x 36 inches)

Eric Rhoads will be hosting the popular online learning event Realism Live next week. Attendants will learn from more than 20 of the World's Top & Most Accomplished Realism Painters including living legends such as Clyde Aspevig, Daniel Graves, Juliette Aristides, Michael Mentler, and many more!

Through in-depth painting demos, it's possible to learn in three days what often students take over a decade and tens of thousands of dollars to study. Paint along with your favorite Realism Masters and connect with other artists from all over the world, right from the comfort of your own home… No travel, airfare, meals, or hotel needed!

November 10-12, 2022with Beginner's Day on November 9
Early Bird Discount still available.

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Edited by Christopher Volpe

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